Bee Happy Every Day

Welcome to Bee Happy Every Day!

Bee Happy Every Day is a website that my wife Claudia and I, Fernando Lee, created in 2022 to share images, wishes and messages (you probably came here searching for the website because of an image). We could never have imagined that working on this website would be one of the ways by which the Lord Jesus would call us. What you are going to read below is a small testimony of an ordinary couple, whose life changed when they met their Savior and Teacher, who taught us a perfect and easy-to-remember phrase: “Trust in Jesus”.

I must confess that in the past we didn't always trust in Jesus… because we realized that we did not truly believe in Him, in Truth. Before, we trusted in the world, that is, we placed our trust in the things of the world and in our own resources and strength... and we forgot about God for most of the week.

So we soon found ourselves submerged in a storm of problems and worries. During the pandemic, I felt that my health was declining, I often had arguments with my family, we didn't have a job, so we worked on this and another project for long hours without any success and we argued for a long time about finances and how to secure our future.

But Jesus can calm any storm, He had not forgotten us, nor has He ever forgotten anyone, He was only waiting for our decision to believe and trust in Him.

We learned that through prayer and paying attention to the Word of God, we can come to have a living relationship with Jesus.

To have a relationship with any person in the world we must first: 1. Get to know that person and 2. Start and maintain communication with them. So we need to do the same thing to have a living relationship with Jesus.

1. We get to know who Jesus is by carefully listening to the Word of God and reflecting on it, because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8); for example, the stories of Jesus in the Gospels show us that:

  • Jesus is someone worthy of trust and respect, since He never lied, nor sinned, and never disappointed anyone who trusted Him.
    • Since He never lied, we can trust that everything He said is true, and we can realize that He faithfully expounds the message of God, His Father, speaking with true authority, as no one had done before.
  • We come to know that Jesus is someone forgiving and good, someone who loves and has a deep compassion for people, He heals them, feeds them, and forgives anyone who sincerely repents and seeks Him.
  • We see how out of love He gave himself to the cross to pay for our sins and save us.
  • And we realize that Jesus is truly the Son of God and that He is alive!
    • Because God raised Him from the dead and is now seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us, so, when we pray in faith, He really hears us, and helps us.

2. So, with this faith and trust in WHO Jesus is, we communicate with Him through prayer, in the knowledge that He loves us, cares for us, and longs to have a living relationship with us:

  • Remembering that nothing is impossible for God.
  • Trusting that He always listens to us and that He knows what is best for each of us in every situation.
  • And knowing that He will respond according to His perfect will and timing. Often with beautiful facts.

My wife and I began to have a living relationship with Jesus, through His Word and prayer, asking for Him to teach us Himself; we turned to Him in faith and we repented of our sins and asked Him to come into our hearts as the Lord and Savior of our lives to transform them, and truly He soon came and calmed our storms and gave us a new heart that could respond to Him, and ever since we have felt His presence in our lives, both internally and externally.

The Word of God is alive, and on one occasion when we were desperate because our projects were not prospering despite working hard, my wife and I, coincidentally read in the same period of time the book of the prophet Haggai (a very short book of the Bible), by which our Master Jesus made us see that our trust was placed in the wrong place, because every good thing we have (such as health, work, family), who we are, and the blessings we receive come from God. So we had to put God first in our lives and trust Him for everything else. As we did that, we were brought closer to the Lord, and after some time, He blessed our projects and even gave my wife a good job on the same day!, just as the Lord blesses His people after they rebuild His temple in the book of Haggai.

The Lord also has been teaching us the utmost importance of practicing charity (serving others, giving generously to the needy, helping the Church, all kinds of good works), and practicing justice (giving to every one what is due). Since we can’t close our hearts to others and expect God to hear us. God wants us to live in love, not fear, and wants us to live righteously, honestly, honorably, and responsibly.

As a Good Shepherd, the Lord found us weak and unhappy, took us on His shoulders, and brought us safely into His fold, the Catholic Church, where we have learned the importance of attending mass and frequently receiving the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). And he also led us to a Bible study group, where we learned the importance of living our faith in community and learning from each other.

We can truly say that the Lord has been very good to us, and we are very grateful to Him, because He has answered countless prayers, and only because of Him, today we enjoy good health, we have a good relationship with our loved ones, a good and stable income, He even allowed us to get married! We did not receive these things by our own merit but only by the grace and goodness of God. And now instead of being afraid about the future, we have faith and hope grounded in our relationship of trust in God.

Glory be to God! Truly the Lord is great and very worthy of praise, because He is good, merciful and compassionate to all without distinction of persons!

In conclusion, dear reader:

  • Put God first in your life.
  • Start a living relationship with Him through daily reading and reflecting on His Word, and prayer.
  • Put your trust in Jesus and ask Him to come into your heart as the Lord and Savior of your life to transform it.
  • Always practice charity and justice.
  • Live righteously, honestly, honorably, and responsibly each and every day.
  • Attend mass regularly and frequently receive the Holy Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession).
  • Live your faith in community.

Say today with faith to your Lord: “Come Lord Jesus, come soon into my heart and my life to transform it!”.

Thank you very much for your visit.